Finishing the Interior: Soundproofing

With all the body work and painting of the past six months most of the interior and exterior fittings were removed and put aside, either on our terrasse or carport or in the shed at Opere’s. I have become quite accustomed to driving around in a vehicle with no door panels, mirrors, or window winders, that is so empty and hollow it rattles and bangs and echos.  The past month or so has seen tremendous progress restoring the interior finish.    I had not been in a rush to put it back together, until Opere told me that the Department of Vehicle Licensing will not pass it if the interior is not finished, or if the rubber wheel arches are not on.   One might argue the logic of some of that, or wonder how the tro-tros driving around Accra with doors hanging by rope managed to pass, but I don’t mind the additional incentive.

The work needed just to get the inside finished,never mind kitted out for expedition, will involve a series of steps:  soundproofing, electrical,  carpet, ceiling liner, and reinstallation of  all the door panels and interior trim.   The soundproofing had to be done first, and fortunately we were very ready for that, having obtained the material sometime ago from B-Quiet in Lethbridge, Alberta.  (See Separate Post: SOUND REDUCTION PUZZLE)   Laura and I did the installation ourselves, starting with a layer of  “Ultimate” the thin butyl-based sound deadener throughout, on the inside of all the doors, the floor, and the roof.   It is not difficult to work with once you get the hang of cutting  it with a box cutter.  The two challenges are to make sure it is set where you want it because it is almost impossible to move once it is on, and to avoid getting the rather gooey butyl rubber stuck where it is not supposed to be stuck.  I had to use some acetone more than once to get it off surfaces where it did not belong, including on the outside paint.

Once the Ultimate was in on the floor we added a layer of  B-Quient’s V-Comp foam and high density rubber composite sound absorber.  This stuff is heavy, more than a pound per sq ft. and we did not have very much of it, just enough for the front floor through the footwells and over the transmission, the tops of the seat boxes, and the back floor.  But every little bit helps.

I was able to use some of the rubber flip flop material I bought from Ghana Rubber Products on some floor areas and inside the seat boxes, but there is lots lof that eft over.

Installing B-Quiet “ultimate” sound deadener
Cargo Bay Finished with the “ultimate” sound deadner

We then we covered the underbonnet with their Hiliner heat resistant foam. This is much lighter than either the Ultimate or the V-Comp, which means we can still lift the bonnet!

Laura putting the Highliner into the bonnet
Under the Bonnet with insultated foam Hiliner from B-Quiet
Cab floor with “Ultimate” deadener with V-comp foam and rubber going in on floor and transmission tunnel.
“Ultimate” Deadener on floor, seatboxes and doors

The sound “proofing” adds about 75 pounds to our running weight, but it is definitely worth the weight, and the CAD 300 cost.  The noise reduction is quite remarkable and the whole vehicle feels more solid and finished.  That will no doubt improve further once we get the interior door panels and roof liner back in, and get carpet on the floor.

Queen Victoria’s Carriage Steps

All 4x4s have plenty of ground clearance, in our case there is 18″ between the bottom of the front door and the ground.  That makes for a fairly large step up to get into the vehicle, so it helps to have some sort of interim step to facilitate access and egress. Often this consists of steel runners, sometimes called “raider bars”.  In older Defenders like ours this function is served by actual folding steps that are mounted to the frame below each door.

In our Defender the steps were original, but three of the five in very poor condition.   On one the plate  is so rusted the plate has begun to corrode away and a couple of others are badly twistted, like someone went off-roading without folding them up and they impacted with a piece of particularly unforgiving terrain.  The rubber mats that sit on top of the steps with the cool Land Rover emblem are completely gone from two of the steps.  Just two of the steps are in reasonably good condition, ironically the best one is the driver’s step.   Either the driver did not use the step, as crew clambering in and out, or that one wore out first and was  replaced at some point.  Whatever the reason two have to be completely replaced for sure.

Laura and I devoted some time to discussing the relative merits of steps vs. bars. We both like the clean lines of the raider  bar style, but they  are  not quite as functional.   The raider bars also sit much higher, to allow for the clearance that is an important feature of anyy 4×4, but by being so high the bars do not really reduce the height one has to reach to get into vehicle that much, they are only about 4 ” down from the floor.   The steps, on the other hand,  are lower to the ground when folded down so divide the stepping distance more evenly and fold up when clearance is needed.    The Land Rover insignia burned into the rubber step caps is another point in favour of the steps, as is price.    All the people who quoted on the body work for this vehicle included the cost of reconditioned  steps.  Paani, the welder who I ultimately selected to do the body work said he could rejuvenate them for 50 cedis ($33) each, about half the cost of importing new ones.  Stock copies of the steps without the Land Rover insignia on the rubber are available from suppliers for about $60 each, the raider bars can be imported for between $300 and $500 for a vehicle set, including shipping, depending on the model chosen. Another body work quote I got said 60 cedis  each for the steps.  What the bars lack is the distinctive quaintness of the steps.   They fold up, for heaven’s sake, each with its own (not-so) little spring   Very low tech, they epitomize English practical functionality, like the long metal vents under the front windshield that that one opens and closes by means of a big lever under the dash to gain air flow directly into the cabin.

Jonathon and Francis consulting on steps
Poor quality picture showing poor condition of steps

When Francis was over one Sunday day we were debating the pros and cons of steps vs. bars.  I think he likes bars better, but he accepted our preference for the authenticity of the steps.  He asked if he could take one to a welder he knew to see if he could do something with it.  I gave him the most twisted one  and he brought it back a week later in like-new condition.  The step plate and been replaced, the frame had been straightened, the swing hinge had been rejuvenated and it had been repainted. It looked good, and it worked.  Francis said if  I liked it he could have the others done for a price that was lower than either of the quotes I had gotten from others.  I seized on that option.  I was able to reinstall them myself, with the exception of one because I seem to have lost one of the horizontal supports  that runs between the bottom back of the step to the chassis.

So we now have four like-new steps. The one on the driver’s side is in the best shape, it only needed clean up and painting and that was done by the paint shop as part of their package.  Indeed, I never removed that step  from the vehicle.The steps were sitting around for a long time and I only just reinstalled them, along with the recovered rear seats (separate post coming)  over the Christmas holiday so we could use the Defender for some Christmas social calls in Accra and Laura, and our  daughter Kat and her boyfried Allan, who were visiting, could get in and not have to sit on the floor.

Driver’s Side rejuvenated steps, one still waiting for a rubber cap



The steps fold to gain about two inches additional clearance. Is that cool or what?







Three of the four steps are still waiting for rubber caps.  I have one that is restorable.   Through a Land Rover on-line forum I found someone in England who has caps and is willing to sell them, we are just working out shipping options. If that does not work out we may find ourselves making some from rubber scraps.  (P.S.  4 years elapsed before I finally obtained the rubber caps for the 3 steps that needed them;  I picked them up at Rovers North in Vermont after I returned to Canada)




Restoration of the Seats

Dismal condition of seats at purchase


When we bought the Defender in February last year the original seats were in a pretty sorry state.   The original covering on the front seats had become so worn and torn someone had recovered them using what appears to have been a combination of another cover patched with old bags from the Takoradi Flour mill.  The seat frames were starting to rust  and only adjusted forward and back or tilted with a great deal of encouragement, if at all.   The back seats were/are very simple bench type seats, with a vinyl cover that was worn and torn, but still intact.  Ditto for the side facing seats mounted on the wheel wells in the cargo bay.



Original passsenger's seat, with "recent" second flour bag cover removed

The restored Land Rovers that come out of Opere’s shop under the tree are done with a seat vinyl that we did not find to be terribly attractive, thus one of the reasons why we wanted to manage the restoration ourselves was to be able to exercise greater control over the design of the interior finish.  For the front seats we decided  to import refinishing kits from a place called Exmoor Trim in England, which specializes in custom items for Land Rovers. come complete with new foams and a choice of attractive, quality covers.  We took out all the seats before we delivered the Defender to the paint shop, so we could start that part of the project.  That proved to be a smart thing to do as the painting took much longer than we expected.



Stripped down seat frame

The best part was tearing off the old covers and seat foams.  These were quite shot, although given the heavy use and poor condition of the covers, the quality of th original foams had to be good for them to have remained as intact as they were.  Once we got the metal seat frames stripped we cleaned off any rust and grime from around the base, which is wher the slide and tilt mechanism is, which was all re-oiled and restored to good working order.   In another sign of wear was visible in the base panel of the passenger seat, which had come detached from the frame at the front and bent so the panel, which is supposed to attach to the top front of the base seat frame, had slipped down below the frame. That meant there was nothing supporting the base when someone was sitting on it.  No wonder it did not slide back and forth very well.  A quick reweld courtesy of Paani fixed that problem.     We then repainted the base of the metal seats with some of the exterior black paint that Sikkens had used for the bumpers.


Front Seats: re-foamed, re-covered and re-born,


Laura and I installed the new foam cushions and cover kits with the aid of the Exmoor on-line instruction video.  Somehow the video made it look and sound easier than it actually was, there were moments when we thought we had too much foam and not enough material, but of course is it supposed to be a firm fit and after enough pulling and tugging the zips all zipped and the clips all clipped.   The  final product is attractive and, most importantly, very comfortable.





Michael Debrah with refinished back seats

The second row bench type seats presented a different challenge.  I had wanted to replace these with back seats from a Discovery I, an early version of another, less utilitarian Land Rover model that began production about tweny years ago, in order to gain comfort and leg room.  Unfortunately we were not able to find any Disco I seats for a reasonable price so we decided to simply restore the original bench seats.   We are not sure at this point we will take the back seats on the expedition, much of the space may be better used from storage.  It is a 70/30 split so we may just take the 30% part, but we need seats in Accra.    Rather than buy Exmoor kits we hired a local upholsterer that Francis had recommended named Michael Deborah, to put in some new foam and recover them.  Michael brought by some material samples (one of the beauties of doing a project like this in Accra is the service people come to you, you don’t have to go to them) and we chose a neutral gray cotton to complement the Exmoor front seats and other interior finishes.  We were expecting he would just put the fabric on smooth as it was on the original vinyl covered back seats, but he designed them with horizontal bars and grey vinyl backs to replicate the design of the Exmoor front seats and it looks very nice.  I have since asked Michael to recover the “cubby box” (the glove box that goes between the front seats) in the same gray vinyl to freshen that up and pull it all together.

The Defender cargo bay area also has bench seats that sit sideways over the wheel wells, with all these seats the 110 can easily accommodate 9 passengers.   However, our plan calls for the cargo area to be converted to storage so we do not need any seats there, and were one of the first things I took out and before I had Paani fill all the mounting bracket holes as part of the body work.  We will not bother redoing those seats,  maybe I will ask Opere if he can find a use for them somewhere.

Next,  getting the soundproofing in……

Painted at Last – What a Great Looking Water Delivery Van

We got the Defender back on Saturday, painted at last.  The colour is exactly what we wanted.













It is going to take some getting used to.  Driving it home I noticed people noticing me, it is that attractive.   There were a couple of things still to do, like getting the lights operational, or installing the new Defender decal I had bought in my first Famous Four shipment but had forgotten to give to Bernard.   Bernard asked me to bring the vehicle back on Monday, so Laura and I took the Subaru and the Defender by first thing Monday morning and she brought me back to the office.   There were also a couple of things that had not been done quite right, for example  Frances’ Sunday inspection found that the chassis painting was not very thorough.   Bernard agreed and agreed with a smile to fix that too.  The story does not end there, in fact it is really only there that it begins to get interesting.

I did not need the vehicle back in a hurry, and it is easy to hand over a non-registered vehicle in for work and forget about it.  I learn one should never do that in Ghana.  I returned the Defender to the Sikkens shop on a Monday morning and left it there Monday night. On Tuesday night I was in the neighbourhood  on another errand and decided to swing by and have a look.  It was dark so I would not be able to see much but maybe I could at least see if the decal had been installed or if the lights worked.   I got more than I bargained for.

There was no Defender parked in front of the shop so I drove into the street behind where most of the vehicles being worked on are parked but did not see it there either.  I pulled over to turn around but had to wait for another vehicle  that was coming up the street from the direction of the beach before I could pull out.  The passing vehicle was our Land Rover.  Curious I thought, seems late to be taking it around the front to park.  I started to follow and to my surprise it turned right at the corner along the main La Road, away from the Sikkens shop and heading out of town.

I followed.  It is the first time I have ever driven behind this vehicle and with the fresh paint, and the white ladder and roof rack installed it looked very nice.  I was also pleased to see that in fact it is not blowing any smoke.  I could see the electrician had not got to it yet because there were no brake or signal lights.  But where was it going?

After a couple of kilometres it turned left and proceeded through a small community market and tro-tro (bus van) station,  around a couple of corners and up a hill past a small church.  By this time I had noticed that there seemed to be about five people in the back, which is interesting as there are no seats in the vehicle except for the driver’s seat.    Was someone using it as a tro-tro?  The road became straight again and I decided we had gone far enough.   A bit of flashing of brights and honking of horn got them to pull over.  The driver I recognized right away as the painter I had dashed (tipped) on Saturday for doing a good job, I did not recognize any of the other four young men.

What struck me at this point was that there were no fewer than 8 or 9  twenty- gallon plastic containers, a common means of conveying  water in Ghana, full of H2O and placed round the area where the back seat would normally be and in the cargo bay.  Equally incredible was the story the driver tried to peddle.  They were taking the Defender to a safer place to park for the night.  The water was going to be used to wash the Defender the next day and they did not want to leave it at the shop because the doors don’t all lock and they did not want anything to happen to my water.   At this point I wondered if maybe they had noticed I had been following them much earlier and spent the last mile or so dreaming up creative but implausible explanations as to what exactly they were up to.

I told them to head back to the shop and followed them.  I tried to phone Bernard the Sikkens manager en route, but we were back at the shop by the time he picked up.   He seemed to assume I was calling him to get a status on the work and started in right away giving me a sitrep on the status of the days work, apologizing that they had not finished yet and promising it would be ready the next day.   When I told him my little discovery he really did seem unknowing. , which would mean he is only guilty of mismanagement, not of collusion.  When I said I was taking the vehicle home he begged me not to do that, that we would square it up in the morning.   I took photographs of the water jugs in the vehicle,  got the boys to remove them, took the key,  dashed the watchman two cedis, telling him I would break his legs if I came back and the Defender was not there, and went home.

I went by this morning (Wednesday) at 08:00, with Francis (see separate Post on Underbody).  I had decided  at 6 AM to phone Francis to see if he could come out with me and luckily he was at the CHC, two blocks from my home, when I called at 7:00.   I wanted to have someone I could trust that spoke Twi, so any discussion that might take place between Bernard and his staff was open to me.   I also  thought having a Ghanaian auto maintenance shop owner present might impress upon Bernard that it was not just some random obruni (white man) he was dealing with, that his reputation within the Ghanaian automotive network was also in play.

Francis was absolutely apoplectic  that a shop could be so loose with customer’s cars, and the thirty years seniority he has on Bernard, together with his knowledge of shop management served to  complement my role as perturbed customer very well.  He lectured Bernard, in English and Twi, on customer trust, on insurance risk, and on how to ensure keys were collected and locked at the of the day.  By the end he was taking Bernard around the Defender showing him the parts where they still had to do some work, and how the interior had to be repainted because the water jugs had left marks.    The best part, it turns out Francis is on a first-name basis with the owner of the Sikkens franchise that Bernard manages.   In a touch of histrionics he also told Bernard  that his “brother “is a senior official in the Ghana Police Service, which may or may not be true, but it was cute to hear him keep asking Bernard  “Do you think I should call my brother?”

By the time we left Bernard promised to repaint the interior floor that had been damaged by the water delivery crew and do more touch-up on the chassis where Francis had noticed short-cuts I had not.  I gave him back the key and I went to work.   It took them two more days to finish the touch up and electrical, but I was not comfortable leaving it there overnight, Laura and I went by and picked it up Wednesday night and dropped it off again on Thursday.   When we picked it up Thursday night the electrical had been finished, all the new lights I brought in from Famous Four months ago have now been installed.  Opere was right, the old lights would not have worked with a new paint job, I have a bag of old chipped, broken and discoloured lenses that looked just awful.  The electrician even got the brake lights to work, which Eric the electrician that Opere uses had said I would need a new part for, but was not specific about exactly what.   The chassis touch-up is also done, and the floor is repainted  The latter almost seems superfluous, yes it is scratched but it is l going to be covered by sound proofing and floor covering.  I wanted to paint the interior in order to freshen it up and make it clean, but it is all going to get covered so a few scratches on the interior floor really do not matter.   However it is all part of Bernard’s pentience for his negligence and I do not want to deny him that

The whole experience may not have been pleasant, but it was memorable.  Two Ghanaian colleagues I recounted this story to said it was clearly the hand of God that took me by the shop at the very moment the borrowers were driving by, that God had wanted them to be caught for their wrongdoing.  Ghanaians are very religious, and the circumstances certainly support that interpretation.  I myself am feeling a combination of satisfaction from having caught them so red-handed, and regret at having had to give Bernard such a hard time.  He is likely in a a difficult situation with his management.   In the end, no one lost their job as a result.  When I dropped the car off  Thursday it was the same painter that had “stolen” the vehicle the day before that took it away to the paint bay.  When I asked Bernard he simply said what the painter had said, that the individuals needed water at their house.  I am not so sure it was quite that simple, there was a lot of water in the cargo bay, and a lot of people, but who knows.

I also learned an important lesson not to hold my trust in check when giving up a vehicle, any vehicle, for work here.  Of course I could have monitored the odometer, but I knew the paint shop was shuttling it back and forthlet tetween the main paint bay and the “seaside” puttying and sanding place”  But I also now wonder how many kilometres people at Opere’s might have put on it or more seriously, how many risks they ran, during the weeks it was in their possession.  Oh well, I will just be more careful from now on.











Now that it is painted I have to start the process of putting it back together.  Seats and seat belts,   exterior air vent covers and wheel well arches.   The next big project is the interior finish, including soundproofing, interior door panels and roof liner, carpet, etc. etc.

Still Getting Ready to Paint…..

So we finally delivered the Defender to Bernard at Sikkens (Kolours) for painting on November 19, complete with the roof rack and ladder because they are also part of the deal.  That was two weeks ago and they are working hard, but no actual paint has been applied yet. There is a popular misconception is that a “paint job” is a simple, individual step, but actually painting comprises numerous steps before the real painting of the car can be done.   I knew this but think I stumbled into the misconception.   I have been by a few times and they are always working on it, but not painting.  I know that a great paint job is the outcome of many hours expended sanding and readying the body perfectly smooth before the paint can be applied, this is essential to get the look you are expecting, but I am starting to get restless.   I told Bernard that he can take the time needed to do a good job, but I did not expect that it would take  this long. The first time I went by the vehicle was not at the paint shop at all, but rather “at the seaside” which, piqued my curiousity.  The shop is only a couple of blocks from the shore, and I imagined somewhow they were doing some environmentally egregious work at the tide-line.  I went looking and found that in fact Kolours has a second location where they do the body prep work: puttying, filling,  sanding. It is closer to the shore, but not on it at all,

November 24: Jonathon checking some of the putty prep work with Bernard, Manager at Kolours. Note the Ghanaian flag flying next door.
....all signs of EPA are gone forever from the door. That little Land Rover tdi emblem on the lower fender is also going to get sanded down to nothing.











They are doing the putty and sanding work both to the outside  of the vehicle and the inside, which is completely stripped except for the old drivers seat.  That does make for a rather large area to cover and adds to the time.   They are now  getting quite close to actually applying paint. I insisted they not paint around all the various appurtenances on the body (ie. lights) and was there to see them remove them.

November 28: Rear lights coming off. Note the roof rack has also been removed for painting separately. The rack footing marks on the gutter that were so visible have now been puttied and sanded away
December 1: Front lights, grill, vents and panels are all off. Can no longer see the tdi emblem on the fender.
Masked and primered Defender outside Sikkens. Roof has been painted white.











December 5: Masked and primered, complete with sleeping dog. Roof has been painted white











Kolours have now invested well over two weeks in careful pre-paint prep work.  I can’t quite figure out the pricing, Ghana is not that inexpensive.   They seem very professional and thorough, although my close monitoring has yielded some benefits.  In the picture to the left you can see they have just masked the rear license plate and left it on.  However, I will have to change that plate and I think the new one is going to be a different size than the old one.  I had asked Benard to remove it but they must have forgotten.  Fortunately I went by and caught  this and they have now taken it off.  Which is not an easy thing to do – the plate is actually riveted to the vehicle. I also see they had not taken off the tdi decals from one of the front fenders, which would have either been painted around or over, either one of which would have looked messy.

We have now actually passed the ‘getting ready to paint’ stage, the roof has been painted, and the next time we see the Defender it will be sporting the new NATO Lightstone caramel colour.  The wheels, roof rack ladder, and underside also have yet to be done, but once they start spraying it will happen fast.


Getting Ready to Paint 4: Almost There

I have never had a vehicle completely painted before and the fact this is a 15-year old fixer-upper truck places my experience at further distance.  As we get close to the actual painting I am increasingly focussed on details, wantng to make sure I have done everything that should be done first first, and amazed at the number of things that I did not think of that still need to be done.   It was in that spirit that I took the Defender up to Paani the welder after he thought he had seen it for the last time, to adjust the bonnet to accommodate the chequerplate aluminum fender tops that will go on after the painting.   I realized that having to adjust the bonnet and fenders to fit the aluminum plates after  the painting could result in some nasty scratches.  Has to be done first. I also asked Panni to remove the two spare tire carriers, one that was welded to the bonnet frame and another that is attached to the rear door, all because I am trying to take as much off as possible before it is painted in order to reduce that great Ghanaian painters short-cut, the tape around.

The spare tire holder on the rear door poses a bit of a dilemma.  I am not sure I want to keep a tire there at all, since Paani  impressed upon me how carrying a tire on the rear door on rough roads can damage the the door frame.  I don’t like the way the rear door behaves with a big 750/16 tire and wheel on it anyway.   I thought it might be better to carry the spare tire on the bonnet, which the high Land Rover front seat and window makes possible without affecting visibility.

Removing the rear door spare tire carrier

The rear door spare tire carrier consists of a foot square steel plate on the outside of the door, attached to the door itself via 11 bolts into another plate on the inside of the frame with three large three large bolt-like extenders welded to it  that go through the holes in the body and the outer plate to secure the wheel through the bolt holes.  From the perspective of getting ready to paint, the steel plate on the outside  would be difficult to tape around and I would never be able to get the sprayer to remove it.  He would want to take the tape-around short-cut so popular among house and vehicle painters alike here.  Then everything   appears as if  it were “painted around” – not an image I want to convey in this rebuild.  But  for the rear-door wheel carrier  Paani said that it would be too difficult to remove, and upon first inspection it did indeed appear as if the whole thing might be welded to the frame inside the door,  perhaps as a result of the door frame repair that Paani did.   However I could not resist trying to loosen the  11 bolts and to my delight they all came undone quite easily and the interior plate to which the wheel holders are welded to slipped out nicely and the whole unit came out.  With that the exterior body is pretty much stripped, save the rear wheel arches that rim the wheel wells.

With that I have moved to the interior, which was already pretty stripped by Paani during the earlier body work which included the door work and filling of some random bolt holes here and there.   The roof liner, the door panels , and the rear cargo bay bench seats are all gone.  But when you look at it through a spray painters eyes you realize how much is still left to take out.   Seat belts for example.  Seat belts are secured by bolts through the frame in two places.   I spent a couple of hours after work this week to try to get them out, but was only partially successful, frustrated by limited tool choices.   Nuts that have been on bolts on the bottom exterior for fifteen years are not easily removed despite any amount of WD40.  I was able to get one end of the belts free on both sides, but I could only loosen the two that are directly bolted into the chassis frame enough so the seat belt rollers come away from the interior body enough to expose the surface underneath for painting and can be wrapped to keep the paint off them.  Better than taping, but not much. The good news story is the the “cubby” box between the front seats.  This was surprisingly easy to get out, four bolts that thread through 2×2, the only wood in the whole vehicle, into threaded holes right in the frame.

I was also able to remove the front passenger seat quite easily (need to leave the drivers seat in to be able to drive to the sprayer!) – my nemesis was the back seats.   There are no fewer than 12 bolts that secure the simple bench seats  through the floor into the frame.  The nuts underneath have not been touched for 15 years and are EXTREMELY stiff and rusted.   I was able to loosen and remove a couple, but stripped two of the nuts quite badly and decided to stop and review alternatives.  Francis just happened to come by to drop off the refinished front grill as I was struggling with these in our yard and he came to my rescue with an invite to his shop where he has access to an arc welder that can cut them off.

Today I left work early to beat traffic and drove out to the Kaneshie district where Francis has his shop.  He had one of his boys take me over to another place, down a side street,  off onto a dirt track that wound through some houses into an industrial yard that led to a fair-sized machine shop that was retooling various pieces of machinery and gears from transmissions and the like.  The yard smelled seriously of waste,  there must have been an open sewer, a not-uncommon phenomenon in Accra, behind the  adjacent wall.

I was welcomed by a couple of fellows to whom the boy did the explaining in Twi, upon which they pulled out their tools and went to work.  They were able to get three of the twelve bolts out intact.  The other nine were removed with a hacksaw or smashed with a large three foot chisel and a sledge hammer, not tools I have in my kit, but against which a ½“ bolt is no match.  The electric welder on standby was never called upon, brute force prevailed.  The back seats are now out,  and I am (only) 30 cedis (20 dollars) poorer for the labour and the tools.  Francis has someone getting nuts and bolts to replace the ones that were lost to the process.

Finally got the back seats out, the cargo bay bench seats have been out for months. The ride like this is anything but quiet.
Cubby box and passenger seat gone, the last lonely ride for the old driver's seat











However, that was not the last thing to take out.  There are also plastic covers over the back seat catches, and the foam and fabric liner around the front seat boxes, which is glued down and leaves annoying strips of foam behind on the metal that has to be scraped off.  Then there is the a piece of interior liner above the rear door that had escaped Paani’s removal campaign, and the seat belts in the front.  There don’t seem to have ever been any seat belts in the back seat.

I don’t think there is any good reason to delay painting any more.   I know as soon as it is painted it will start to get nicks and scratches and that creates  some degree of inertia, but I can get touch-up paint and the work here is very good and not expensive.   Once the paint is on we can proceed to finish the interior off with the new cushions and seat covers that are sitting in our storeroom, put the soundproofing and carpet in and put back all the interior fittings.  None of that will take very long, soon we will be able to focus on the expedition prep.  But painting is next.


Getting Ready to Paint 3, Francis the Fixer and the underbody

When I bought this Defender almost nine months ago I remember crawling underneath it in the yard to see what went where and having to put on glasses to prevent the thick coat of dirt from sprinkling into my eyes .   It was a real mess.   All the work that has been done since has knocked much of the accumulated mud and dirt off, but it is still a mess.  Opere talked about sending it to a washer before painting later, but  he has not taken any initiative to organize that and Francis has again stepped in to fill the gap.   Francis has consistently come through on a number of fronts and is more than anyone else playing the role of “fixer” in the Land Rover project.

I was introduced to Francis through colleagues at the High Commission.  He has been the CHC mechanic for a very long time, not quite since independence but almost that long.  The first time I met him he was in the office of a colleague, with one hand heavily bandaged and was recounting the story of how he had been caught in an attempted robbery in a “shared-taxi” .    As the name suggests, shared taxis are multi-passenger  vehicles, not the larger van-type “tro-tros” that carry 10-12 but regular sedans which carry one to three passengers in non-air-conditioned discomfort who are going in the same general direction and are prepared to share the space and accept a less than direct ride in exchange for a savings on the fare.  The other downside of shared taxis is the personal security risk that comes with getting into a vehicle that is already carrying more than one person, and Francis had just gotten caught in a situation where he  was asked by the driver and passenger to hand over all his money.   They got more than they bargained for , when Francis, who must be well into his sixties but as a former soldier knows something about hand-to-hand combat, gave the would-be robbers a run for his money.  He first dealt with the other “passenger”  ,  who he took into some sort of headlock  and was able to throw out of the car as they went around a corner in the shanty district of Nima.  He then turned his attention on the driver and wrestled him for the wheel until they smashed the car into a pole not too far from the Nima Police station.  The “driver” abandoned the vehicle, leaving Francis to report the attempted robbery at the nearby police post ,  with the abandoned taxi as evidence.   He sustained some ligament damage to his arm, but escaped with his  money, and his pride, intact.

Francis dropped in on his way home from a funeral to leave the repaired griill. He has a beer in one hand and a Ghanaian High Life music CD in the other. The grill is poised on the bonnet

Francis has done the work on our Subaru and while he is not a precision mechanic, he has impressed  with his sense of customer service and his pro-active aptitude for finishing a job.   So far his involvement with the Defender project has been limited to serving as a reference to other specialists to provide quotes on work as diverse as body work, electrical, air conditioning  and carpeting and  upholstery.    He has also gotten the plastic grill repaired that was broken at Opere’s and he is the one that he also stepped in to get another part of the project where others have fallen  down – the steps below each of the doors.  (separate post  coming on “Queen Vic’s Carriage Steps”).

I had approached Francis to get a quote on paint and in the process we got talking about the underbody.   I liked the methodology he talked about: getting under with a pressure washer and soap and scrub brushes , then going through the underbody with sandpaper to get any the rust out, then going through with the soap and pressure washer again.  We both agreed it would be foolhardy to leave it to  the sprayer to do the underbodyprep work, it would be too easy to just paint over the parts that were too difficult to clean and who would know.

This led to Francis bringing a couple of his “boys” to the house a couple of weeks ago.  We took the Defender to a good washing bay for a thorough cleaning with a pressure washer (the second time I have done this)  and then back to the house.   Three people spent six hours under the vehicle with petrol and sandpaper, then we took it back to the pressure washer.  The result  was amazing.  The wheel wells that were previously caked with dirt are now down to clean, shiny aluminum.  I can read the Land Rover symbol on the muffler.   The whole tailpipe is shining and the frame is clean black metal.   There were still some spots of dirt around, but another visit to the pressure washer fixed most of that.  There are still spots of dirt in nooks and crannies in the frame here and there and I am thinking of another more supervised visit to the washer, but that might be bordering on obsession.  We broke the back of the underbody cleaning challenge.   While they were here they also cleaned up the roof rack and took off the plastic wheel well arches that I was not able to figure out how to get off (plastic pins that worked like concrete anchors for screws) .  It cost me almost $100, half for labour and half for sandpaper and petrol.

The tragegy of the common. In true Ghanaian fashion, we cleaned the underbody in a public areait
Spotless Wheelwell and steering linkages. New Biltstein heavy duty shocks are visible in the coil











Picking the undercoat  is turning out to be almost as much of a challenge as picking the body colour.   My research leads to a dizzying array of products, ranging from cheap enamel to high-tech plasticized products that sound as if they would do just fine on the underside of the Space Shuttle, with prices to match.  There are actually  three parts of the underside:  the frame, the mechanical gear and the body.   The sprayer wants to use something called Terason Underbody on all these.   I could not find this on the internet when I googled it, instead Terrason came up, which suggests that perhaps the product here is a cheap copy of the internationally  recognized one.  Francis knows  Terason and thinks it is a  good product.  I am going to get him to do the frame and maybe the underbody, but not the  tailpipe, which is looking so good, or the front wheels wells.  Later if I can get my hands on some spray or brush- on liquid sound dampener I will add a couple of coats to the underside of the body and the wheel wells to reduce noise and provide additional protection.  I will have to bring that in, no-one seems to know it here.

We are still not quite ready to paint yet.    Bernard the sprayer at Sikkens will have to wait a little longer.


Sound Reduction Puzzle

In the process of perusing the seemingly endless Land Rover restoration sites we could see that (so-called) “soundproofing” was a common step in most projects.   The term is a bit optimistic, one can never eliminate sound in a vehicle, so “sound reduction” is a more appropriate term.

All vehicles have some degree of soundproofing, it is the stuff under the carpet on your floor and the trunk/boot.  The thick piece of silver lined foam under the hood/bonnet is also soundproofing.  Depending on the vehicle and/or the preferences of the owner there can be any number of products and combinations thereof used throughout, including in the doors and roof.  People who are restoring older vehicles, whether they are 50s roadsters, 60s muscle cars, or 90s Defenders, will at some point likely decide to reduce noise by installing additional soundproofing materials.   Land Rovers are no exception as the various threads in Land Rover Forums show.

Defenders and other Land Rovers of their era were built as big utility vehicles and because of this and the large areas of the aluminum body they are probably among the noisier vehicles on the road.  Ours is absolutely utilitarian, and has only bare metal on the floors and walls.  The doors do have small patches of  sound dampening materials on the inside of the door panels, this would have been part of the factory production process.  The roof has quite a good piece of hard plastic liner behind the interior roof fabric, but that is not going to do much against the vast areas of bare aluminum.

We decided it was worth looking at sound reduction, but had no idea of where to start.   I started scanning for what materials worked best and learned a lot about  the science of sound reduction.  Obviously there is a huge sound reduction industry, but I was surprised to learn how much of it is devoted to vehicles.  I learn that there are two separate steps involved in sound reduction: the first is referred to as “dampening” or “deadening”.  This addresses noise generated or amplified by the body panels themselves and involves the installation of some sort of very heavy rubber/butyl material, lead is sometimes used to add weight.  The dampener is added to directly to the metal surface and transforms the sound waves into heat.  Thus an integral part of a good sound dampener is a layer of metal foil that helps keep the heat from entering the vehicle.

The second key function is sound absorption, a barrier to collect the sound waves that are generated both inside and outside the vehicle.   This is what is done by the  baffles one sees on the ceilings of in orchestral halls.  Baffles are not terribly practical in your car, so this function is usually performed by a light, open cell foam.  This is applied on top of the dampener.  And that is about it.  That is most certainly an overly simplistic description of the basics of vehicle soundproofing, but it helps to set the stage for the story of our product scanning and  eventual selection of a product.  There is a great variety of products available, some which perform one or other of the functions, or perhaps combine them both.  All the sellers say more than one layer is better, which no doubt helps to sell sound proofing material.

The first supplier that we became aware of is the aptly named Noisekiller(NK) of Great Britain.   NK makes sound reduction materials for every imaginable application, including but certainly not limited to vehicles.  I became aware of them because they happen to produce custom “soundproofing” kits for Land Rovers.  The product is highly recommended by many others.  Thinking this might be the way to go last May I exchanged emails with Andy, my contact at Famous Four, who said he could get NK to send them a kit which they could send on to me as part of  my star-crossed third shipment (see separate “Customs Shock” post).

However, at this point I encountered the problem that would make getting sound proofing to Ghana a real challenge: the weight.  The stuff is  expensive enough to begin with, but it weights as much as 1 pound per square foot, which rather renders international shipping costs prohibitive.   The NK Defender kit costs 280 British Pounds, or about $450, to buy, but the weight of that kit is 50 kilos!   Andy said he could get a 5% price reduction from NK to cover the cost of getting it to Famous Four, but for them to send it on to Ghana would be an additional (gulp) 430 British Pounds, or almost seven hundred dollars just for shipping, for a total cost of more than $1,200.   That is very expensive quiet.  I told Andy thanks, but I would have to pass.

That began a long search thither and yon for a less expensive noise reduction option.  Some Land Rover forums have people talking about assorted construction materials that are usually readily available in North American or European hardware/building supply companies, for example the ashphalt paper that goes under roof shingling, but that sort of thing is not necessarily available in Ghana, and would be very difficult for me to locate.  My local search did lead me to Ghana Rubber Products, which I thought might produce some sort of heavy rubber that would work.  They produce sheets of rubber of varying sizes for shoe soles (ie. flip flops)  This led to a Saturday morning meeting with the owner at the GRP plant in Accra, who showed me what they had.  They identified a 3 mm thick but not very heavy rubber that I thought might at least serve as a sound barrier for 30 cedies  ($20 dollars) for a 4×6 sheet.  At that price we could do the whole Defender for about $100.   I went back a week later and spoke to his brother who, incredibly,  happens to own a Land Rover Defender and had actually purchased NoiseKiller.   He knew something about  sound reduction and recommended Noisekiller, he was not confident the product I had been looking at would do too much, but he identified a slightly lighter material.  I bought four sheets worth of his flip flop sole material thinking I could use it as sound absorber for some areas, but left knowing I was still in the market for sound reduction material.

Other options I found included Genesis of South Africa and Second Skin or Dynamat from the US.      I spent a lot of time looking at Genesis,  because it seemed to be a good product reasonably priced.  They also have a liquid paint on product that one can apply inside or outside the vehicle, which extends the area that one can apply it to.  However, when  I eventually measured and got a quote on the material and shipping it was only marginally less than the NoiseKiller from Great Britain.

In the course of surfing the web for more ideas and sources I stumbled upon a company called B-Quiet, which sold dampener, absorbers, and combinations thereof and billed themselves as  “the affordable sound deadening solution”.   One of the things I noticed was their website gave prices in US and CAN dollars and I assumed they were an American company selling into Canada.  The $C=US$ exchange rate they gave was rather  unfavourable to the Canadian dollar, which would make an American product more expensive to Canadians, so in a patriotic mood I sent them an email to say as much.  I received a prompt reply saying they in fact were a Canadian company located in Alberta and they thought their exchange rate was just fine thank you.  Of course, if they are producing in Canada and selling to the States the low exchange rate only makes them more competitive with American products like Dynamat.  Brilliant.

I looked at this product more carefully and judging from reviews their quality was good and the price gave credence to their website billing as the “affordable sound deadening solution”.   I looked at something called  B-Quiet Ultimate, a sound dampening material, and V-Comp, a combination sound dampening and absorbing material.   They also produce B-Quiet Hiliner, a thicker aluminum lined acoustic foam for under the bonnet.  Similar materials  are available from Genesis or from Noise Killer, but the Canadian company’s price was much more reasonable.   I was able to get a quote  of $500 for an coverage area larger than NK or Genesis, delivered to Ottawa.

The Ottawa delivery is where the real beauty of this Canadian- sourced option plays out.   I have an annual mailing allowance from Canada of one hundred pounds, which might not go far if you have a large family or get lots of magazines, but this year Laura and I have only used 25 lbs.  It is now October and we have more than 75 lbs of  shipping we have to use before the end of December.     As it turns out the weight of two 50 sq. ft rolls of B-Quiet Ultimate and two 15 sq. ft. rolls of V-Comp is about seventy pounds – the Hiliner only weighs another pound.   I could use more V-Comp but if we go over our weight it will just be held in Ottawa till next year.  I can order more then if I really need it.  I am planning to combine the B-Quiet Ultimate deadener with the V-Comp in the particularly vulnerable areas in the front of the cabin until the V-Comp runs out and  and then use pieces of the Ultimate  in combination with the flip-flop sole material from Ghana Rubber Products for less vulnerable areas.

B-Quiet products purchased: 30 sq. ft. of V-Comp barrier (1 of 2 rolls on the floor – 18 lbs); 100 sq. ft. Ultimate, (1 of two rolls on the table – 17lbs); and a 4×6 sheet of Hiliner for under the bonnet (silver on the right – 1 lb

It only took about two weeks to get here, and with this in hand I am ahead of the game because we can’t install it until after the painting is done, which won’t be for a couple of weeks yet.    With this material installed and covered by carpeting our  Defender will hopefully be elevated from clangy utility vehicle to relatively quiet cruiser.

Phase I Electrical

Why more than one phase of electrical?  Because I want to focus first on the basic things every vehicle requires to run and for basic safety and roadworthyness certification.  Headlights, horn, signal lights etc.  The basic stuff.  There are other systems required to support expeditioning, but that can come later – in Phase II.

I drafted up a list of the items to do in Phase I and II and got a couple of quotes on Phase I.  The low bidder, by a wide margin, was Eric from Opere’s shop under the tree so I asked him to do the work while we were in Egypt.   The work is now done and it is amazing how much you appreciate little things.  There was not very much right about the basic electrical when I first bought this vehicle.   Most seriously the the alternator did not work, a problem that was corrected when a new-to-me alternator was installed with the motor.   The front windshield wipers wiped, the rear did not.  Only a couple of the signal lights worked, the brake lights did not, nor did the headlights, nor the horn.   Up till now whenever I have pulled up to the high, solid, windowless gate outside our house I have had to rev the engine so the guard knows I am there to let me in rather than honk as one normally does. Fortunately the engine makes lots of noise.   The horn now works, as do all the lights.  He also did the rear windshield wiper motor and the windscreen washer fluid pump.   He charged me GHC 300, or about CAD 200

Eric’s  price includes a number of things that cannot be done until the painting is complete.  This includes installation of  all the new exterior light fixtures that I bought on Opere’s recommendation that the 15 year old ones that don’t look too bad now will look terribly old against a new paint job.  Eric has also bought me a large interior cabin light for the rear cargo area and will instal this and the front cabin light that has been stripped out (along with pretty much everything else) in anticipation of the interior painting.   My only real regret with respect to the electrical is that I have not yet had time to sit down with Eric and go throught the electrical system so I can learn about the circuits, fuses etc.   There are also still a number of old wires hanging about from the earlier A/V system that EPA used to support its public education programs in the field and that I decided would not be of any particular use to us.   I was going to do this when we came back from Egypt but about that time poor Eric was passing between two parked cars when one of them backed up and pinned him, causing some ill defined damage to his internal organs and putting him out of action for awhile.   He seems OK, but I don’t want to bother him while he is convalescing.  It can wait.

That is Phase I.   Phase II is the electrical required for expedition outfitting and it will be more complicated.   A dual battery system to support a fridge, lights and circuits to support other interior and exterior accessories, together with a solar power back-up system will be the main elements of the Phase II work.   The big question is whether Eric, or anyone here, will be able to handle this.  Half the Land Rovers in South Africa have a dual battery system but here no one seems to know about it.  I may have to teach myself about the fine points of dual battery systems and solar power back-up to get this done.   I have already purchased  the isolator kit for the  dual battery system, actually we have purchased two.  One  Laura bought at Canadian Tire when she wen to Canada in August, and another I bought from OffRoad Egypt when we were there in October.   Neither were terribly costly and I don’t mind having a couple of choices to increase our chances of getting this operational.  I will do a separate post on Phase II of the electrical after the painting is done and I can focus more on that.

Getting Ready to Paint 2: Picking a Sprayer

Getting my 15-year old Land Rover Defender painted is proving to be full of challenges, one of them is identifying  a “sprayer”.  Identifying and contacting a painter has been more difficult than for any of the other specialists that I have dealt with.   Opere has  been my first reference for specialists ranging from mechanics, bodywork and electrical , but  the painting is in a different order because, obviously, there is no paint oven under Opere’s  tree.   Over the course of the past few months whenever I have broached the subject of painting with him to try to nail down that phase of the project he never seemed very interested.   Strange because there are frequently one or two Defenders in his yard that look like they are just about to go for painting or have just come back from painting.   It was only when he realized I had found the Sikkens shop and had gotten a price he focussed.   As he always does,  he stressed the importance of ensuring I was going somewhere that would do a good job, but did not promote anyone he knew.   When I told him who I was talking to and how much they had quoted  he seemed to relax, either because he was satisfied that this was a good place, or that he could not beat the price and still take a cut that would make it worth his effort.

My former colleague Stephan had recommended  Sikkens, a name which is well-known for paint around the world, as a place that had done a very good job for him at a reasonable price.  He said he had his Defender painted “at Sikkens”, so  assumed was a business somewhere in Accra.  I saw his Defender and it looked great.  Since then everyone, including Opere, has  recommended that I use Sikkens Autobase paint, but  is clear they are not recommending any one place. Rather they each seemed to have their own favourite “sprayer”, all of whom may use Sikkens paint.    I was left wondering if “Sikkens” was a place in Accra as Stephane has led me to believe,  or just a brand of paint.

To enlighten myself I turned to Google and searched “Sikkens in Ghana” – there were about a dozen auto paint shops that come up.   I noticed that one of these, “Kolours”,  was located not too far away from where I live so I went by to have a look and talk to them.     The first thing I noticed when I pulled up was that the name “Kolours” did not appear anywhere on the front of the seemingly small storefront operation,   rather it featured “SIKKENS”, as if that was the name of the shop.   I sent an email to Stephane with description of the location and he confirmed that this was in fact where he had had his vehicle painted.  So there is no one “Sikkens” it is rather a network of places that happen to distribute Sikkens paint, and which probably have to undergo certain training and maintain certain quality standards  in exchange for the name.

The manager of “Kolours” is Bernard, a personable Ghanaian who each time I go back to look at colours, or ask questions, he says, “I’m ready”,  his subtle way of reminding me that it has been well over a month since I first spoke to him and said I was going to bring it in for the paint.  The problem is I keep finding reasons to delay, I am not really ready to paint yet.


I have had three informal quotes on painting,  Opere and Francis have cited numbers, but without the benefit of any close look at the details of what it is I want to do (Iie. everything has to come off before painting, two colours outside, one inside and bottom paint).  I have only given those details to Bernard, and his price is the same or only marginally higher than the quick quotes I got from Francis and Opere.  What also swings it in Bernard’s favour is that I know one satisfied customer, and the Kolours shop looks very clean and well run.   I will use them, but follow Stephane’s advice to monitor the work closely myself. But we are not ready to paint yet, there is still an undercarriage to clean up, and a few niggly pre-paint details.